Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jocelyn's a Big Girl!

Jocelyn has figured out how to sit up! Now we can sit her on a blanket with her toys around her and she will play for the longest time...until of course she dives for a toy just out of her reach and then cant figure out how to get back up!

Sometimes I think Daddy enjoys Jocelyn's toys as much as she does.
Sweet Moments!

Finally, she figured out how to get that foot in her mouth!
Look Mommy! No hands...I'm sitting up all by myself!
Aunt LL & Uncles Josh's puppy Maddie gave Jocelyn quite a good laugh when Maddie would lick her hand.
Can you believe she had enough hair to make a mohawk??? Finally!
Does Poppa's ball cap look cute on me?

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