Tuesday, October 23, 2007

10/21/07 Cowboy Up!

It's that time again! This past Sunday night was our annual Hoedown. We had so much fun! Jocelyn and Michael were a hit once again. They were dressed up as a cowboy and cowgirl! Sweet Michael was full of smiles as usual and Jocelyn wasnt quite sure what to make of everything at times, but there were both adorable! It was quite the fun event. There was square dancing, a mechanical bull, and lots of yummy food. Of course getting to dress up was very fun as well.

Christy & I with our little ones!

Michael loves to touch Jocelyn and she is just mesmerized with him.
Sweet Nicole helps out so much with the babies! I thank God for her all the time...without her help I wouldnt be able to do half of the things at the church that I do.
You know we had to get a picture on the mechanical bull!

Some of my amazing girls loving on Jocelyn, which they do so well!
Jocelyn and I went to sit out by the fire to warm up and my little angel feel asleep. She had quite an exciting evening and was exhausted.

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